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    • Malik Usama Abbas
      • 2022/09/18

      We are into the start of the third decade of the 21st century and it is safe and unfortunate to say that youth has lost the attraction for books. We can't hide the fact that this modern generation prefer the fast and electronic mediums of learning and knowledge.

      If we look back in the past, people had much more time to sit and read books. They would love to discuss about books in their gatherings, reading books was habit of most people. The names of books on certain topics, their numbers, types and names of writers would be on their finger tips. And that was the era where people had the real knowledge about history, be it Islamic or worldwide.

      Now, in this fast moving and complex world, life is moving quickly and it seems as people don't have a second to sit and read a book. Even if he/she needs any kind of information that is bound to be obtained from a book,they will like to search that in soft copy. What's the reason for that? Why people are getting farther and farther away from books?

      The answer is obvious. The revolution in technology has changed the mentality and habits of people. The inventions of mobile phones and laptops etc has engaged the people in other stuff like social media etc. And that has taken the people away from books.

      The competitive market in this day and age has also urged people to focus more on gaining the competitive advantage somehow and as it requires time, so the competion in every field has also diverted the priorities of people.

      Apparently and certainly, the technology has allowed people to search, read, obtain and extract more in less time. And in the case of books, the case would've been opposite. But the fact is that it is a short term and temporary solution.

      The people who love reading the books will agree that it purifies the soul. It gives more margins to thinking abilities.

      Story by Usama Abbas

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